Looking for MIDI of Final Fantasy VIII? You have come to the right place.
A sacrifice - Edea's theme.
Balamb garden - The theme of Balamb garden at the beginning of the game.
Battle 1 - One of the battle themes.
Battle 2 - The enemy encounter battle theme.
Cactus Jack - I really dunno when this one comes!
Dance with balamb fishes - Squall's dance with the Balamb fishes.
Dollet - The escape from Dollet theme.
Emttower - The EMT Tower suspense theme.
Escaping - The escape theme.
Eyes on me - Julia's song when she meets Laguna.
FF8 game over - The theme when the game's over, you lose!!
FF8 War - The war theme of Final Fantasy VIII.
Find your way - The FF8 mystery theme (also heard in the beginning, when entering Ifrit's cave).
Fisherman's Horizon - The fisherman's horizon theme.
Flying - The airship theme.
Jailed - The music when everyone is jailed after their fight with Edea (Disc#2).
Julia theme - Julia's theme when Laguna enters her room.
Junction - Has a very subconscious feeling- a typical witch music.
Laguna - Laguna's battle music - It really rocks me!!
Lenore - Rinoa's theme when Squall meets her aboard the train.
Ocean side - The music played when Balamb is entered.
Resident - The music played when Caraway's mansion is being approached.
Stars - Dun ask me!!
Track Dragon - When tracking the dragon.
Wounded - Music when Squall gets wounded after fight with Edea.